Mascarene Martin

Mount Moreland 14th June 2024

A single Mascarene Martin was spotted near Mount Moreland earlier this week (June 10th 2024). Only the second time it has been reported in South Africa. It is a bird which comes from Madagascar to the coastal area of Mozambique in the winter.

Anyway, Sally and I decided on Thursday lunchtime to see if it was still around. We got there around 15h15 and joined the crowd patiently awaiting and hopeful for an appearance.

We planned to stay over in Durban and get a better chance to see it in the morning.

Much to our surprise it suddenly appeared on the line close to us at 16h30 among all the Brown-throated Martins. Great sighting as it hung around for about 40 minutes – on the line just above us.

Took loads of photos into the sun. Should have the sun behind us in the morning so we planned to go back.

Despite no news of it being present this morning, we returned ever hopeful of some better photos of the bird with the sun behind us.

There was a large crowd present. most had been there since first light. We waited. And waited eventually leaving at 10h00. Most of the crowd had already left to get to work.

Sadly it was a no show for everyone. Hey, that’s birding.

Here are some of the pics I managed to get of the bird – but one is not what it seems. Which is it and what is it? It is among the Mascarene Martins which have not been labelled. Click on the birds for a better view.

Paul and Sally Bartho – King